"There is a forgotten lesson we leaders can learn here as we deal with the thundering rain in the world of business right now. Once you are wet, the fear of getting wet is over and you start enjoying the rain. With the fear gone, you return to your work with unmitigated enthusiasm. However, if you freeze indoors because of rain, there is no way you will reach anyplace."
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Interesting Links (December 2008)
Posted by
john castledine
Labels: Interesting Links
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Learning Technologies 2009 - reflection on the Nov. '08 magazine
The UK Learning Technologies conference series is fast approaching its 10th year. I'm delighted to be involved in the forthcoming 2009 event, contributing on Driving adoption - the value of partnering with HR.
Posted by
john castledine
Labels: Learning Technologies 2009
Monday, 3 November 2008
Interesting Links (November 2008)
Leadership: 109 Movies that Inspire
From the Totally Consumed blog here is a great post on the leadership themes that are well illustrated by classic movies.
These include:
- Apollo 13 (1999) Problem-solve & team work.
- Braveheart (1996) Cultivate your vision and others will follow
- Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) With responsibility, comes accountability
- Dead Poets Society (1989) Words are powerful, use them wisely
- Ground Hog Day (1993) Do it right the first time.
- Lord of the Flies (1990) Never underestimate what people are capable of.
- It’s a Wonderful Life (1947) It’s about who we are, not what we own.
for the other 102 see the original post !
Richard Branson on Success
From Leadership Now:When we place too high a value on achievement and fulfillment, we often overlook the important parts of life like character, relationships and service. Richard Branson made a profound statement on success in his book, Business Stripped Bare. The last sentence may take a few reads for its implications to soak in.Successful people aren’t in possession of secrets known only to themselves. Don’t obsess over people who appear to you to be “winners”, but listen instead to the wisdom of people who’ve led enriching lives—people, for instance, who’ve found time for friends and family. Be generous in your interpretation of what success looks like. The best and most meaningful lives don’t always end happily.
---------------------------------------Making learning 'stick' - the role of the manager
Chris Morgan on his blog provides a clear and concise article on the role of the manager in making learning stick.
A good manager will be regularly monitoring progress. A great manager will have agreed specific tasks and/or assignments that will force the employee to apply the new behaviours.
Richard Branson on Success
Successful people aren’t in possession of secrets known only to themselves. Don’t obsess over people who appear to you to be “winners”, but listen instead to the wisdom of people who’ve led enriching lives—people, for instance, who’ve found time for friends and family. Be generous in your interpretation of what success looks like. The best and most meaningful lives don’t always end happily.
Posted by
john castledine
Labels: Interesting Links
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
HR Departments - do they need to be exemplars of talent-management best practice ?
Imagine the following scenario:
You have recently moved into a small town with two hairdressers/barbers. Each week you walk past both salons. One individual always has immaculately cut hair, while the other looks clearly pays little attention to their appearance. Both are fully qualified, with plenty of certificates on display in their premises.
- Which would you choose to cut your hair just before you go for an important job interview?
- To what extent would other factors (price, waiting time, customer feedback …. ) influence your decision ?
“In a knowledge economy, companies with the best talent win. And finding, nurturing, and developing that talent should be one of the most important tasks in a corporation.” FAST COMPANY, 2005
Does this build credibility and trust with business leaders, enabling HR to style the organisation-wide people-strategy? Alternatively, is this viewed as diverting effort from supporting the core business agenda?
I’ll be interested to hear your views on this.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Revisiting the HBR 2002 paper "Everything I Know about Business I Learned from Monopoly"
Originally published by Harvard Business Review in 2002, "Everything I Know About Business I Learned from Monopoly" by Phil Orbanes provides great insights for all working in HR/L&D. I recently rediscovered this paper in my files.
- Make the rules simple and unambiguous
- Don't frustrate the casual player
- Establish a rhythm
- Focus on what is happening off the board
- Give 'em chances to come from behind
- Provide outlets for latent talents
Focus on what is happening off the board
Give 'em chances to come from behind
Provide outlets for latent talents
Posted by
john castledine
Labels: games, Learning and Development, Metaphor, team-work
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Learning 2.0
Clive Shepherd provides a helpful summary within his blog of the latest research from the elearning guild on 'Learning 2.0 - Learning in a Web 2.0 World'
- Only 28.1% of members report that their organizations are preparing workers on using Web 2.0 approaches for learning and work.
- Among members working in organizations with 10,000 or more workers, 10.8% cannot access LinkedIn, 26.2% cannot access Gmail, 35.0% cannot access YouTube, and 39.2% cannot access either Facebook or MySpace.
Great Leadership - Carnival
Check out the Great Leadership Carnival currently being hosted by Dan McCarthy.
To manage well requires that you recognize the subtle, but important, differences between people and that you know how to put those differences to work for your organization. Great managers thrive on helping people experience incremental growth. The dynamic creativity of figuring out how to move from the player to the plays is the real genius of a great manager.
Leadership isn’t about that at all. Leadership is about finding the words, stories, and images that bring great clarity to people. And that’s just different from being a good manager. You could have both talents, but good managers don’t necessarily make good leaders.So when you actually "learn" leadership - you actually make a great shift in your worldview. You cannot build a new worldview on top of your existing ones. You have to let them go. [Gautam Gosh - citing Marcus Buckingham]
- Network and build relationships both within and outside your organization.
- Find ways to become visible in your team and organization, e.g., seek out important assignments.
- Lobby for yourself and your work, do not be afraid to “brag” about your accomplishments.
- Communicate effectively and ask for feedback.
- Find a mentor, coach, sponsor; developmental relationships not only provide knowledge and experience, but can help expand your professional network.
- Develop a good career plan; prepare for each step, learn the right skills.
You will not grow if you sit in a beautiful flower garden, but you will grow if you are sick, if you are in pain, if you experience losses, and if you do not put your head in the sand, but take the pain as a gift to you with a very, very specific purpose.
The message here is that we can learn from every experience, and that in fact every experience can be regarded as a gift. This, perhaps, is a hard thing for us to hear - we have been conditioned to think of illness and pain in a negative way and we try to avoid suffering at all costs. But all growth involves pain and so perhaps we should be less eager to shy away from it, learning instead to welcome it and take something of value from these experiences. [Michael Miles on 'the wisdom of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross]
Posted by
john castledine
Labels: Leadership
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Interesting Links (October 2008)
- Encourage everyone on your team to remember four words that can help all of you get though your crisis in the best way possible: help more, judge less.
- Try to get team members to focus on a future that they can impact, not a past that they cannot change anyway.
- Try to get people to take responsibility for their own behavior.
- Ask each person to reflect on the question, "What can I learn from this crisis?"
- Ask everyone on your team to reflect on the question, "What can we learn from this crisis?"
- Encourage each team member to avoid speaking when angry or out of control.
- Before speaking don't just ask, "Am I correct?" - ask "Will this help?"
Remote Working - avoiding the pitfalls
Management Issues highlight "Five ways to get Remote Working Wrong" - mistakes that companies tend to make when setting up teleworking or remote working programmes.
Telecommuting is a growing trend - so this paper will be of interest to many.
- The first pitfall is that organisations rush into it without any concrete policies and procedures in place
- The second common pitfall is to over-invest in technology, with companies rushing out to buy the latest technology and gizmos when often they did not need to.
- The third failing was the failure to train managers. It is now well recognised that managing someone from afar requires a different set of management skills, especially how you communicate and stay in touch with your remote team.
- Fourthly, firms often failed to explore whether this type of initiative even fitted within their business model.
- Finally, organisations too often failed to pilot their programme before "going live".
L&D colleagues will be particularly interested in bullet 3, especially as the authors highlight "Yet too often day-to-day pressures or budgetary constraints meant training around this new form of management simply failed to happen".
Few things have more impact on your happiness at work than the person you answer to every day.
· A willingness to talk about himself. It's not appropriate to grill the interviewer about his qualifications, but it's perfectly acceptable to ask about his education and experience, and how he wound up in his job. You're trying to get a sense of whether you can learn from this person.
· A positive vibe about the person who held the job before. Ask your prospective boss what happened to the last person who held the position for which you're applying.
· A strong career of his own. You want a boss who is considered a rising star, Ask around to see what sort of reputation he has within the company, as well as his field. Is he getting regular promotions? Does he have a strong internal network? "You really want to be near the movers and shakers, if possible," she said.
· Encouraging nonverbal cues.Was the person on time and attentive? Did she look you in the eye? Is her attention focused on you during the interview? If not, don't get your hopes up.
· A good hunch. A big part of finding the right job is pure chemistry. A job may seem great intellectually, but if you have a bad feeling about it, there's probably a reason, even if you can't articulate it.
I'd suggest this theme is equally applicable for internal transfers - and thus the 'chemistry' is something HR should help the business lines determine as part of talent management.
Posted by
john castledine
Labels: Interesting Links
Friday, 3 October 2008
Keeping L&D/HR focused on the 'Big Picture' during the economic downturn.
While talk of recession dominates the current business agenda we should not forget that most are short lived. Hence, I believe that the L&D topics being debated before the phrase ‘sub-prime mortgage’ entered the popular press remain important.
The economic growth of
Global communications and mobility have changed how the efforts of individual employees are aggregated. Management structures refined over the past century now look clumsy if not obsolete, as ‘amplifying effort’ (i.e. colleague engagement) becomes the greater challenge for leaders. Gary Hamel’s thesis on “The Future of Management” provides great insights, and now HR must help take up the challenge.
Mentoring, coaching and on-the-job experiences have always been an important part of workplace learning. Training is becoming increasingly squeezed both from a time and financial point of view. In a world where vast amounts of knowledge can be accessed with a couple of key strokes, ‘just-in-time’ performance support rather than ‘just-in-case’ training is being demanded. Understanding and integrating the ROI of training and other forms of learning has never been more important than at present.
Equally, a harsh economic climate provides some additional opportunities for those involved in Learning & Leadership. The psychological contract with employees has already moved away from expectations of ‘a job for life’ in return for loyalty and commitment. Individuals who accept the need to invest in life-long learning are most likely to successfully navigate a world of rapid organizational change and multiple careers. Building this mindset and ensuring organizations contribute to keeping their workforce ‘employable’ is likely to be most valued now.
Leadership judgment is critical at this time, as poor business decisions are unlikely to go unpunished. Perhaps more important, however, is the ability to execute whatever business strategy is selected. This depends on successfully changing employees’ behaviours, a complex challenge where HR expertise can contribute significant business value.
Hence I hope that the value of L&D/HR will come to be better recognised by business leaders as they navigate the current economic downturn.
Posted by
john castledine
Labels: Learning and Development
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Interesting Links (September 2008)
Being Wired or Being Tired: 10 Ways to Cope with Information Overload
- Women who had only one female boss reported more psychological distress (such as trouble sleeping, difficulty focusing on work, depression and anxiety) and physical symptoms (such as headaches, stomach pain or heartburn, neck and back pain and tiredness) than women who worked for one male boss.
- Women who reported to a mixed-gender pair of supervisors also reported more of these symptoms than their peers who worked for a single male boss.
- Men who worked for a single supervisor, regardless of the supervisor’s gender, had similar levels of distress.
- Men who worked for a mixed-gender pair had fewer mental and physical symptoms than those working for a lone male supervisor
interesting data .....
Posted by
john castledine
Labels: Interesting Links
Friday, 5 September 2008
Performance Support vs. Training (continued)
My thanks to JD & Dave Ferguson for their comments to my initial post on this topic - and I fully agree with the comment "we should make clear the purpose of training (or any other intervention) -- improved performance"
Posted by
john castledine
Labels: performance support
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Performance Support vs. Training
The August edition of the ASTD Training & Development magazine includes a thought-provoking article (page 23) titled 'Training is Broken'. The authors Bob Mosher & Frank Nguyen state "with training's limitations under scrutiny, it may be performance support's time to shine".
to expand further ....
"The problem with our information age is that even with the most successful of formal learning experiences, the amount of information needed to be effective, combined with the rate at which that information changes, makes many well-intentioned training efforts flawed before they are ever released."
Performance Support is defined as providing the right people with the right information at the right time. In other words: expanding just-in-time 'coaching' to replace (where appropriate) just-in-case training. For example, relying on the Microsoft paperclip comes to mind vs. seeking to learn up-front the full functionality of MS Word.
The authors advocate creating a 'total learning culture', and in particular:
"It is impossible to add PS (performance support) to your array of learning options without it affecting how you design and deliver training. PS enables competency in the way that training enables mastery. The two should not be kept exclusive"
My reaction to this is twofold:
Firstly: further thought needs to be given to the sequencing of training & performance support.
- Depending of the learning objectives for the individual, it may be sufficient to rely on performance support to generate competence ... equally, it may be appropriate for a smaller segment of the workforce to be subsequently formally training to a higher level of mastery (which will in itself create a further channel of performance support for the rest of the workforce).
- To minimise the costs/complexity of creating performance support, it may be more cost effective to provide a cut-down training intervention 'up-front' (to help all learners navigate how to find the support available, rather than relying on automated software). In this case training may be positioned to 'top & tail' performance support.
As the authors state "Changing the strategy from one of knowledge gain to one of knowledge application is the first key step".
Secondly: I'd suggest that consideration should be given to the consequences of different learning styles when creating performance support (as well as for formal training).
Honey & Mumford's work is generally accepted as a helpful model of categorising learning styles.
- For Activists - it may be most appropriate to develop maps ... avoiding performance support (PS) adopting a 'telling' approach, but accelerating skill building by providing structure to the information required to be assimilated. For example: to accelerate networking skills - championing the value of organisational structure diagrams (e.g. linking such graphics with a company's 'yellow-pages' database of employees & their interests).
- For Reflectors - it may be appropriate to link the guidance provided through PS with typical questions that would lead to expanding on the core 'answer'. For example: to accelerate networking skills - providing a report of the 'top five' colleagues citing a particular qualification within a company's 'yellow pages' together with a prompt to consider if additional key words may help refine the data.
- For Theorists - it may be helpful to link the guidance provided through PS with sources of background information. For example: to accelerate networking skills - providing easy to access links to e-learning modules, books & articles from within a company's 'yellow pages' database
- For Pragmatists - it may be helpful to ensure there are rapid e-learning modules / video clips / subject-matter-experts that can demonstrate the steps required. For example: to accelerate networking skills - providing video clips of accelerating a task through effective networking.
If we look to Performance Support (PS) to build a certain level of competence (and thus reduce the need for some forms of formal learning) do you agree that different learning styles matter ?
Posted by
john castledine
Labels: ASTD, performance support, training
Friday, 15 August 2008
Interesting Links (August 2008)
What is your personal learning strategy ?
Leading Blog presents a short, informative summary of the book Crucibles of Leadership by Robert Thomas.
Thomas writes that crucibles “are like trials or tests that corner individuals and force them to answer questions about who they are and what is really important to them. Crucibles become valuable when we intentionally mine them for lessons that make us more effective, aware and integrated."
Thomas says that we have to change our approach to learning. We shouldn’t wait for just the right moment to arrive, but learn in the moment—in real time—to, as he writes, “learn while doing.”
Hence the main thesis of this work is that preparation is essential to learning. ie "In order to take advantage of our crucibles, we must develop a Personal Learning Strategy (PLS)".
Put another way - I'd suggest that this reinforces that L&D professionals have an important role helping leaders & manager 'Learn how to learn' (as well as this approach being at the heart of effective Executive Coaching)
Colleague Engagement
Management Issues highlights ten steps towards engagement based on research undertaken by the business consulting organization SCORE.
The list covers a lot of ground that will be familiar with consulting on building colleague engagement. Equally, for me the following steps stand out:
2. Try to approach your people with fresh eyes and take into account their unique perspective.
10. Be consistent. Don't start programs and then drop them after a few weeks. So stick with it.
How often are these steps overlooked - by assuming best practice in one area can be directly transplanted elsewhere. Also: approaching this long-term challenge with a series of short term initiatives ?
Team Building
In another easy to digest article - Management Issues highlight 'Five Simple Keys to Building Solid Teams'
1. Honesty
2. Trust
3. Mutual Respect
4. Recognition
5. Support
Can You Lead with Kindness ?
This month Leadership Now asks 'Can you Lead with Kindness ?' This is a review of a recent book by Bill Baker and Michael O’Malley
The authors state:
The fact is, kindness isn’t always nice. It pushes others to do better; it asks them to try out things that they are uncertain they can accomplish; it requires them to engage in activities that they are not sure they will like. Another fact is this: Folks don’t always take kindly to kindness. Leaders, even great ones, cannot save everybody.
Kind leaders are framers. - They reinforce expectations for employees by establishing clear boundaries, standards of conduct, challenging goals, and organizational values.
Kind leaders are interpreters. - They tell the truth about how each worker and the entire company is doing. They help individuals adapt to change and make sense of their efforts.
Kind leaders are enablers. - They stimulate calculated “stretch” and risk-taking, without sheltering people from their own mistakes. They fight cynicism and facilitate growth
The Leading Now commentary includes the observation that:
"great leaders are not great because they are super-human. Instead, they are ordinary but growth-oriented people with character that have chosen to make a commitment to a bold course of action that is in the best interest of those they serve despite the odds"
... hope for us all !
Posted by
john castledine
Labels: Interesting Links
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Learning and Development Carnival
Chris Morgan is hosting the first Learning & Development Carnival on his Learn2Develop blog.
Chris does a great job signposting the various article brought together by this event
Well worth a look !
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Interesting Links (July 2008)
Heads in the Sand on Succession Planning
This month management-issues.com provides an insightful report on succession planning recently undertaken by Novations
"A survey of more than 2,500 senior HR executives by consultancy Novations Group has found that, nominally, succession planning among North American firms seems to be in relatively good shape, with just seven per cent of firms admitting to having no succession planning in place at all.
But peel back the figures and a more worrying picture emerges, it reported. More than a fifth said that, even though they had succession planning in place, it was valueless because, as often as not, they ended up recruiting someone externally anyway."
Can Google Lengthen Our Attention Span?
Writing in the Harvard Business blog, Diane Coutu started an interesting discussion on the impact of Google on challenging the thinking of individuals
"Here are a few suggestions for increasing your curiosity quotient – and how Google can help:
Don’t be afraid to look dumb. Infants are born passionately curious. They instinctively explore, investigate, and test their environments. Tragically, many of us develop inhibitions as we get older and grow afraid of appearing ignorant. Yet we will never increase our level of curiosity unless we give ourselves permission to formulate and test new hypotheses — and to be productively stupid. The beauty of Google is that it allows us to be stupid in private. Are you not sure which countries make up the G8? Not to worry. Google it.
Never stop questioning. As a number of people have observed: “Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton asked why.” Google helps us ask why. When I looked up the word curiosity in Wikipedia, for example, I read that curiosity is an “emotion.” That didn’t sound right, so I googled Freud and found that he described curiosity as a “derivative of the sexual instinct.” That seemed to me an oversimplification as well. In having me quickly place the two alternatives side by side, Google made me question the differences between emotions and instincts. It encouraged me to think critically.
Expose yourself to lots of different experiences.People, travel, play, and books can all introduce you to exciting new worlds. Google can, too. Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor’s memoirs, which relate her sometimes incomprehensible spirituality after suffering a stroke, reminded me of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s lectures on transcendentalism. I googled Emerson’s essay on “Nature,” where he wrote about becoming a “transparent eyeball.” Yikes. Emerson and Taylor’s experiences have quite a lot in common. So I googled mysticism, and the more I read on the subject, the more curious I became about the brain and the varieties of religious experience. That led to a whole new Google search."
To read the whole article & associated comments - click here
Let’s Hear It for B Players
Also from Harvard is this easy to digest article on managing so-called 'B' players.
The authors state "These supporting actors of the corporate world determine your company’s future performance far more than A players—volatile stars who may score the biggest revenues or clients, but who’re also the most likely to commit missteps. B players, by contrast, prize stability in their work and home lives. They seldom strive for advancement or attention—caring more about their companies’ well-being. Infrequent job changers, they accumulate deep knowledge about company processes and history. They thus provide ballast during transitions, steadily boosting organizational resilience and performance.
Yet many executives ignore B players, beguiled by stars’ brilliance. The danger? If neglected, these dependable contributors may leave, taking the firm’s backbone with them. How to keep your B players? Recognize their value—and nurture them. "
Mandela: His 8 Lessons of Leadership
From Time magazine:
- Courage is not the absence of fear - it's inspiring others to move beyond it
- Lead from the front — but don't leave your base behind
- Lead from the back — and let others believe they are in front
- Know your enemy — and learn about his favorite sport
- Keep your friends close — and your rivals even closer
- Appearances matter — and remember to smile
- Nothing is black or white
- Quitting is leading too
Posted by
john castledine
Labels: Interesting Links